Voting under Australian Ballot will take place from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. The polls will be open during the Town Meeting. There are 25 articles posted on the Warning.
The Benson Family Day Committee will be there with coffee & doughnuts and hosting a bake sale! Come show your support for Family Day while at the meeting or stopping in to vote! (If you would like to donate baked goods to the sale, drop them off at the town hall before the meeting.)
The 2022-2023 Annual Town Report is available to look at on the Documents page, along with the Slate Valley Unified School Warning and a list of open offices and candidates who will be on the ballot on Town Meeting Day. It has also been mailed to households in Benson, and extra printed copies will be available at the Town Office.
Please remember to bring your Annual Town Report to the meeting with you.