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A general election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 to select candidates for U.S. President and Vice President, U.S. Senator, Representative to Congress, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Treasurer, Secretary of State, Auditor of Accounts, Attorney General, State Senator, State Representative, High Bailiff and Justice of the Peace.


It IS too late to return your ballot by mail—ballots must be received (not just postmarked) by 7 pm on Election Day—but there are other options if you don’t want to stand in line at the polling place on November 5th:

  • First, make sure you’ve filled out the certification envelope and sealed your voted ballot inside.
  • You or anyone of your choosing can hand-deliver your voted ballot to the Town Office. There is a secure drop box at the southwest corner of the building where ballots can be returned even if the office is not open. We’ll be checking it daily, and several times during the day on Election Day until 7 pm.
  • Ballots can also be returned directly to the Community Hall polling place from 10 am to 7 pm on November 8th.


POLLS OPEN at the COMMMUNITY HALL 10 am to 7 pm  All registered voters should have received a ballot in the mail, please bring your ballot with you to the polls to fill out in the voting booth. For voters who were issued a ballot but don’t have it with them, ballots will be available but you will be asked to complete an Affidavit of No Ballot Cast before voting.

13 V.S.A. §2901 – Punishment for perjury: “A person who, being lawfully required to depose the truth in a proceeding in a court of justice, commits perjury shall be imprisoned not more than fifteen years and fined not more than $10,000.00, or both.”

17 V.S.A. §1971 – “A legal voter who knowingly casts more than one ballot at any one time of balloting for the same office shall be fined not more than $1,000.00 if the offense is committed at a primary or general election, and not more than $100.00 if committed at a local election.”

Heidi Chandler

Town Clerk

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