The Benson Bulletin will now be publishing an edition every two months.
We are going to do an email list sign up, and transition more towards an electronic version which will be sent to all who send me an email address. Those that don’t want email, will be able to still get a mailed version. I know a lot of folks in town either don’t “do” email, or don’t have a good internet connection, but the goal will be to reduce the size of the mailing substantially (and therefore the cost to the town of printing and postage). We want everyone who wants one, to get one, whether through email or regular mail.
If you would like to receive the Benson Bulletin in your email going forward, send your name with subject line BULLETIN EMAIL ADDRESS to The more folks who go with the email option, the more we can save on postage and other costs.
Those names not submitted for an email version will remain on the mailing list and continue to receive the paper version for now.
Here is a link to the Benson Bulletin page on the website, and it has all the recent editions online. Each edition will be available as a pdf file. This will be another option for people to read it. If you don’t want email, and you don’t want it mailed, you will still be able to access it through the website. I hope to hear from all of you soon.
Thank you, Cheryl Murray

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